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  1. #185 - 20 Oct 2024 - Research Judgement Must Direct Research Resources. Plus: Good software engineer teammembers; Free tier as a business model; STRUDEL and UX; Python 3.13; Writing code for humans; Next level HPC support; Rackspace and OpenStack
  2. #184 - 9 Sept 2024 - The Job Market for Our Community. Plus: Actual managment; ChemOS; Google's View of Software Quality; SciCode codeing benchmarks; Leonhard Med TRE; Blender for scientific Viz; the Anaconda mess
  3. #183 - 23 June 2024 - We Need To Talk About AI. Plus: Upfront technical requirements are possible; (Too much) Manual work is a bug; Technical governance and leadership; Define your audience better than 'non-experts'; Microvms and Isolation
  4. #182 - 2 June 2024 - Scientific judgement is part of our job. Plus: Parking lots; Stop hiding in the comfort of your expertise; No wrong doors; Sales is research; Mentoring plans mandatory for NIH funding; NIHR RSS funding; Communities sustain software; Seqera containers
  5. #181 - 20 May 2024 - Positioning, Marketing, and Other Bad Words. Plus: Onboarding instead of sink-or-swim; Making your next week earlier with an hour of planning; Visually communicating software design; HPC containers; and HPC desktops.
  6. #180 - 5 May 2024 - Fundability and Staffability. Plus: Successes and Struggles of Horizon 2020; Research Management as a profession; RSE Competencies; NASA Transform to Open Science; Infrastructure for Research on Teaching; CaRCC Engagement Guide for Smaller Institutions
  7. #179 - 21 Apr 2024 - Success Stories are the best advocacy. Plus: Avoiding hero work pays off in the end; Good progress updates; Design is not recoverable from implementation; Product management at a science tech company; Code-review.org; Configuration shouldn't change version-controlled source code
  8. #178 - 7 Apr 2024 - Offer services worth paying for. Plus: Effective vendor relationships; Teaching Humanists Changed How This Team Teaches Everyone; Service sludge toolkit; Existing knowledge and collaborations improves agility
  9. #177 - 24 Mar 2024 - Do the highest bang-for-buck work. Plus: What to say after a failure; GitHub Copilot’s productivity benefits; Research data services landscape at Canadian and US institutions; What modern NVMes can do.
  10. #176 - 19 Feb 2024 - Nurture your best clients first. Plus: Write and get feedback on tech specs; technical documentation guidebook; wrap up projects; talent leaks out of funding gaps; reproducibility of jupyter notebooks; 10 simple rules to manage lab data; NIST on HPC security
  11. #175 - 4 Feb 2024 - Digital Humanities’ LLM Edge? Plus: EOLing a Product; Product vs Project; Directing Contributors Where Needed; Commercial Products and Reproducibility; Federated Analysis Primer; And the Job Board Returns, Maybe?
  12. #174 - 26 Nov 2023 - Roundup - Building trust; Internal engineering conferences; Don't get stuck on finding a mentor; SlackLog; Single Decision Makers; Incident Response and Postmortems
  13. #173 - 12 Nov 2023 - The measuring stick is the best research teams, not the absence of research. Plus: I2ic organization report; New CaRCC Capabilities Model Assessment Tool; EPSCoR CI Recommendations; Racks as the unit of infrastructure; Slurm on Kubernetes
  14. #172 - 28 Oct 2023 - 'We Can’t Hire' isn’t a good enough bug report. Plus: Management Problems at ITER; Valuable Software is Updated
  15. #171 - 07 Oct 2023 - Know What Your CIO Is Thinking about AI. Plus: The fast track tip; Huh as a signal; Prioritization together; Strategy as group choosing; Lessons from building CLIs
  16. #170 - 24 Sept 2023 - Risk Management and Gratis Offerings. Plus: Making connections; Understand the underlying dynamics before trying to Change Things; Hiring RSEs and Data Scientists; Influencing Stakeholders; Mojo; MLIR; We’ve disparaged waterfall unfairly; Research forges; Python + Excel = TLA; Overcoming Ops Debt
  17. #169 - 4 June 2023 - Why I Don’t Like “Strategy”, Part II: Execution First; Plus: Rotate external presentations with the Share-Out; Cognitive load; Data engineering code is software, not duct tape; LLM tools
  18. #168 - 14 May 2023 - There’s no such single thing as strategy. Plus: Right-sizing postmortems; surviving your software project’s first 100,000 lines; Maintainer Month; Good First Issues and Mentorship; Promoting Our Organizations
  19. #167 - 7 May 2023 - Case Discussion: Advising The Peer Whose Key Team Member Is Leaving. Plus: Getting retrospectives right; Productized Services; Mojo; LANL Sees Fortran’s Risks; Attack of the micro LLMs
  20. #166 - 30 Apr 2023 - Case Discussion: a key team member leaves. Plus: Making tools easy to use; Using ChatGPT for technical writing; RSE-AUNZ’s strategy process; ACM CHI 2023 highlights; C4DC data sharing agreement library; Arrow and Apache Superset for data dashboards; Front-line data science; Learning from near misses
  21. #165 - 23 Apr 2023 - Holding ourselves to high standards. Plus: Missteps of a new technical lead; Balancing customization and standard offerings; Comparing embedded analytics databases; RDMA within Azure; DDR4 organization and bandwidth; checklists for psychological safety
  22. #164 - 16 Apr 2023 - The Logic Of Collaboration For Nonprofits Like Us. Plus: Northwestern’s student workforce program; Speeding up processes; Declare backlog bankruptcy; Unit testing data code.
  23. #163 - 9 Apr 2023 - Measure What Matters - Logic Models. Plus: Reducing the lottery factor; Polars; LLMs in Production; Cloud-first databases
  24. #162 - 1 Apr 2023 - Measure what matters, Part I: Kirkpatrick Models. Plus: Role of a Tech Lead; User Interviews 101; Shared Services Organizations; Maintainer Guides; Refactoring; ROI
  25. #161 - 25 Mar 2023 - Supporting RCD teams as standards rise; Project management for developers; LLMs, software development, and Copilot X; Test flakiness, languages, and fixes; persistent identifiers
  26. #160 - 18 Mar 2023 - Become the go-to team; Remove uncertainty first; Drop the plastic balls; User research; Research software categories; RSE Onramps; When do hard drives fail
  27. #159 - 11 Mar 2023 - Use surveys sparingly; Iterative strategy; Stuff costs money; The lone developer problem; Using incidents to improve reliability; Backblaze SSD stats
  28. #158 - 4 Mar 2023 - Find out what has the most research impact by asking researchers; Stop overhelping; When and how to address tech debt; Build a behavioural answer database; Research software needs in arts & humanities, and ecology; Pandas 2.0 and Arrow; Everyone’s going XPU
  29. #157 - 25 Feb 2023 - Leverage and reproducibility for increasing impact; Retrospective antipatterns; Prewiring; Becoming a lead-of-leads; UKAEA’s central RSE team; Transparent software telemetry
  30. #156 - 18 Feb 2023 - Knowing what your strategy is; Introducing Manager, Ph.D.; UCL ARC on their 5-profession career ladders; Doing more with less; Aligning strategies; Project retrospectives; Building a relationship with your boss; Your leave document; Data migrations; Behavioural interviews; Turning Devs into DevOps-ers (or SREs)
  31. #155 - 11 Feb 2023 - Strat plans are like scientific papers (not in a good way); Flexible work arrangement survey; Talking after mass shooting; Write SOPs; Minimize WIP; Organizing inclusive events; HPC Security draft
  32. #154 - 4 Feb 2023 - Running a meeting effectively; Creating a team and a career ladder w/ Ian Cosden; Layoffs won’t make it easy to hire; US-RSE Group Leaders' Network; Core biomed open science practices; Matlab for Jupyter; Two years of Code For Thought
  33. #153 - 28 Jan 2023 - Engaging meetings have valuable interactions; Giving bad news; Making decisions; Women's potential is underestimated; Hybrid online training; short videos are easy and work; plugins for research software
  34. #152 - 22 Jan 2023 - Good meetings have purpose; authenticity doesn’t mean not doing uncomfortable things; sponsoring, and mentoring growth; communicate more; don’t underestimate your influence; move away from being a cost center; your tech stack is not the product; open source toxicity
  35. #151 - 14 Jan 2023 - Leaders choose their own problems; No is positive; Managers matter; Effective training and effective communication; Your first months as a director; Fail slow hardware
  36. #150 - 17 Dec 2022 - Your End-of-year Review; Research on Team Collaboration; Research Application Managers Redux; New Zealand’s eResearch Future
  37. #149 - 10 Dec 2022 - Sharing Expectations via Feedback; Debugging Groundhog Day; Incident Ground Rules and Practice; Research Application Managers; Spheres of Influence; Goals and Why's for the Year Ahead; Active Knowledge; Migrating Canva’s Data Stores
  38. #148 - 3 Dec 2022 - Process vs Expectations; Coaching questions practice; UCL ARC always hiring; Invest in uncertainty reduction; Manager career leveling; Product lessons from Amazon Omics; Coping with too many code projects
  39. #147 - 26 Nov 2022 - What should we teach new RCD managers? Retrospectives are a powerful tool; HN response to ‘Consider Working on Genomics’; Gratitude works; Scientific website redesign bootcamp; University finances; AI4Science
  40. #146 - 19 Nov 2022 - Tending the management garden; Peer 1:1s; Leader as shock absorber; Addressing technical debt; Get straight to the point; Service Level Objectives; NASA’s 2i2c Jupyter Hub
  41. #145 - 12 Nov 2022 - Interview with Matthew Smith, UBC; Draft table of contents for hiring ebook; Starting a Summer Research Program; Too much responsibility causes burnout; Delegation Basics; Don’t pig out on 'comfort work'; More engaged (Advisory) Boards; RSE at Princeton
  42. #144 - 5 Nov 2022 - We can improve retention on our teams; Hacking your Bureaucracy; When Feedback Hurts; Your New Power Dynamics; Get Better Feedback by Speaking Up; Running effective retrospectives
  43. #143 - 29 Oct 2022 - Recruting means talking to people; Talkative people in quiet groups; Years of experience is a bad proxy; Working with difficult stakeholders; Tools to support Open Source inclusivity
  44. #142 - 22 Oct 2022 - Other teams aren't the competition; Helpful conflict phrases; Leadership SLAs; STAR answers; Communicating impact; Successful big consortia; Trunk-based legacy development
  45. #141 - 15 Oct 2022 - Making an Onboarding Plan; Performance Improvement Plans; Paying for Tools isn't 'Overhead'; Manage Your Career Growth; Strategy Should be Meaningful and Ongoing; 10 Rules For Workflow Applications; Software Mention Database; Datalake-in-a-box; Homomorphic Encrpytion & Confidential Computing
  46. #140 - 8 Oct 2022 - Billing by the hour: bad or awful? Denominators matter; Men are worse allies then we think; Good software managers; Private techincal interviews; Standups should grow collaboration; When feedback hurts; Effective pair programming; Shared GWAS data gets cited more
  47. #139 - 1 Oct 2022 - Taking on a new responsibility; Setting direction; introverted leaders; Software processes and variants; Community 'smells'; Case Study: Data Management Plans for Big Collaborations; WebAuthN
  48. #138 - 24 Sept 2022 - Getting ready for management; Critical thinking at work; Just say no; Disagreeing with powerful stakeholders; Realtime bioinformatics with Nextflow
  49. #137 - 17 Sept 2022 - Management 101 = individuals, 201 = the team; Long- and short-lived Group dynamics; The leaders journal; Open Science at Utrecht; Space and collaboration; RSE2022 int'l survey; Fonts for data viz; SSH Open Marketplace; Incidents as career development
  50. #136 - 10 Sept 2022 - Job ads: include the challenges; Quality is systemic; You own your communication bubble; Get good feedback from peers; Fast disks and reliable OS reimaging; Barriers to cloud adoption; R2 for data sharing
  51. #135 - 3 Sept 2022 - Hiring - begin with the end in mind; Managers matter; Tech asssesments; Don't flinch from giving feedback; SQLite history; Mastiff: query metagenomes with RocksDB; Trusted Research Environmet recommendations
  52. #134 - 27 Aug 2022 - I want you to outgrow this newsletter; Becoming more strategic; Give more better feedback; No one is reading your PDFs; Making jupyter git friendly; Effective programmers read code better; better virtual courses
  53. #133 - 20 Aug 2022 - Building centers of excellence, not temp agencies; RCD staff career priorities; Challenges in core facilities; Making your work clear to yourself is the first step in making it visible to others
  54. #132 - 30 Jul 2022 - Multitask on vacation by delegating; Lego give-away matrix; Delivering bad news; Specialize without silos: not a small-team thing; 32 and 16 bit LBM; Google's copilot works; XSEDE ROI
  55. #131 - 23 Jul 2022 - Just say no; Sheffield's interview process; Presenting to decision makers; History of XSEDE; What not to fix or log; We need more than supercomputers; We learn systems by changing them
  56. #130 - 16 Jul 2022 - 'Strategy', 'Tactics' Considered Harmful; In praise of process; Enlisting advisory boards; There will always be more problems; Semi-synchronous conferences; FLUTE for federated learning research; Buy and lease, not cloud vs on-prem; Rocky linux build infra
  57. #129 - 9 Jul 2022 - Making Change Happen; RCD Strategic Planning Challenges; Large batches hide bottlenecks; Arm memory model case studies; Maybe your DL model needs a database; Graphs for Code Search; HPC Operational Data Analytics
  58. #128 - 2 Jul 2022 - Bundling expertise into services; How to be an RCD recruiter; Bare-bones project management; Pair programming; Talk about Data Ethics Club; How to adopt an SRE practice
  59. #127 - 25 Jun 2022 - Utility vs Professional Service Firm; Ticket tracking recommendations?; Job Definition Worksheet; Women get authorship less often; PythonTutor; Services Before Platforms; Data isn't, it turns out, available upon request; IU's SecureMyResearch
  60. #126 - 18 Jun 2022 - Changes as a team grows; conflict management; not everything's your job; Uni spinoffs; Postdoc hiring blues; Software management plans; Lots of room at the edge; Quantum algorithms for beginners; CXL at Meta; GPU offloading to remote nodes
  61. #125 - 11 Jun 2022 - Strategy, Strategic Plans, and You; When Feedback doesn't Land; Cash-strapped Tech Hiring; Workflow Hub; Engineering Effectiveness; WorkflowHub; @NotOnlyFlops' RISC-V Cluster
  62. #124 - 4 Jun 2022 - Exascale - we've reached a future from the past; CaRCC RCD capabilities commmunity report; Remote onboarding; Helmholtz AI's voucher model; Hubble Asteroid Hunter; Managing undergrads for a decade-long software product; TACC goes to a commercial datacenter; Lockwood goes to Microsoft
  63. #123 - 28 May 2022 - Research Computing Teams are Vendors, Too; The Manager's Handbook; The Turing Institue Guides; What teammates owe each other; When everything's important; Open Source Communities; HTCondor Product Management; Practical Guide to Big Research Software Estimation
  64. #122 - 14 May 2022 - Communication is not collaboration; Opening up onboarding documents; Onboarding developers with tests, docs and containers; MIT's Office of Research Computing and Data; First view of the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole; Smarts in the network, LAN and WAN; A first RISC-V Cluster
  65. #121 - 7 May 2022 - Professionalism is process; Onboarding staff; Production bioinformatics; Tracking big-picture items; Why new outside gigs are hard; Sharding test suites; SchedMDs bad communications; TPUs for CFD
  66. #120 - 30 Apr 2022 - Managing interns; Team member career conversations; PR pushback by race/gender; Working with your manager; Developer relations; H3 Hex Grid; Writing up incidents and non-incidents
  67. #119 - 23 Apr 2022 - When Research stops in Research Computing; Onboarding, Mentoring, and Listening; Reverse Interview your New Team; SQLite for hash lookups; Memray for Python Memory Monitoring; Scoped GitHub Credentials; Cori makes the case for HPC disaggregation
  68. #118 - 16 Apr 2022 - Only one cutting edge at a time; Meeting sizes and purposes; In praise of project managers; Timeboxing; Good town halls; Code reading interviews; Google's Aquila cloud network
  69. #117 - 9 Apr 2022 - Management sensory deprivation; Build teams, don't collect individuals; Research Infrastructure Developers; Progression ladders; Code management; Column-level field encryption; Rome and Cascade Lake memory behaviour; The IC/Manager pendulum continued
  70. #116 - 2 Apr 2022 - 'Contact us for pricing'; How to do less; Becoming a manager; Don't burn yourself out; Is your tech boring enough; Defensive programming; C++20 ranges and Python array strong types; Composable and virtual systems
  71. #115 - 26 Mar 2022 - Research's many roles; Making change easier; Falsify yourself; C is a protocol; Milan-X's V-Cache
  72. #114 - 19 Mar 2022 - Specialization vs siloing; Be an uninspiring manager; Growing teams out; Conclude first; Journal club formulae; Black hole billiards; Ausralian research software scene; Data CI/CD; Jupyter Everywhere; GeoParquet; ML Flops usage grows
  73. #113 - 12 Mar 2022 - AMAs return; Everyone's a great manager until they start; Management as skincare; The 30min rule; Run your day; Specializing your team; Citizen seismologists; Documenting and shipping; Utilisation vs wait time The future of HPC; Bad days for OpenStack
  74. #112 - 5 Mar 2022 - Research training gives superpowers; Work isn't fixed; Silence isn't consensus; Gratitude works; feedback formulae; Good strategy; RSE Group Data Bank; Code in the database; Miniboss; Lustre + Ceph; SSD survival rates
  75. #111 - 26 Feb 2022 - The evolving RCT leadership job market; Rules were meant to be broken (if necessary); You're not wasting your mentor's time; Sustained software developemnt associated with accuracy; Sharding postgres; Xarray sparse arrays at CLM
  76. #110 - 19 Feb 2022 - Missed delegation opprtunties; Good candidates is hard work; Diffrax; Concurrency in OpenMP and Rust; A successful CentOS-Rocky Migration; DAOS for HPC Object Storage
  77. #109 - 11 Feb 2022 - Rands community channel; offboarding continues; service delivery models; reducing drag when work is dynamic; the unreasonable effectiveness of one-on-ones; the stay interview; code that doesn't rot; levels of technical leadership
  78. #108 - 5 Feb 2022 - Offboarding myself; Manager tools; Shorter, better, meetings; Managing up and out; Recruiters; Life science software; HPC security; Saurus; Getting to real-time ML
  79. #107 - 29 Jan 2022 - Common challenges; The Void of Success; Dev Interviews and Codespaces; RSE use cases; Petabase-scale sequencing data exploration; Clean code isn't a thing; Tables from PDFs; Learning from Incidents
  80. #106 - 16 Jan 2022 - Priorities and strategy mean saying no; Make yourself obsolete; Decision making; Writing more good; lab notebooks for debugging; code review is feedback; SUSE and CentOS; HPC vs DL GPUs; SSH Bastions
  81. #105 - 16 Jan 2022 - Log4j and Research Computing Needs; Careers survey; Office as a Tool; Ask for feedback; Copy questions, not answers; Discord for teaching; Scrum and Data Science; Mess with DNS
  82. #104 - 11 Dec 2021 - The responsibility of research computing; Retrospectives of wins; Diverse teams; Building accountability; Reviewing your year; Milestones, not projects; So you have a bunch of broken tests; Grassroots architecture decisions
  83. #103 - 4 Dec 2021 - The power of dissapointment; Templates for performance reviews and quarterly planning; Take time off intentionally; HPC training programs for schools & businesses; JAX for ocean sims; Simple Python GUIs; Intel just one option
  84. #102 - 27 Nov 2021 - On valuing people's time; Delegation superpowers; Manager goals; Managing up; ICs and Academics learn to product management; Garbage collection; Sketches for set comparison
  85. #101 - 19 Nov 2021 - Broad research computing teams; Giving and getting better feedback; Real-time alerts from Fast Radio Bursts; Gaining mroe 'technical wealth'; Simulation lab managers
  86. #100 - 12 Nov 2021 - Valuing ourselves; Owning the manager's authority; The programmer's brain; NVIDIA and AMD news; NVMe for HDD; JupyterHub and Kubernetes for Pangeo
  87. #99 - 5 Nov 2021 - Shaking off the status quo; Being directive without being a jerk; Stop looking for mentors; Testing with global variables; Software team productivity; 20k simulations with AWS Batch; annual backup checkup
  88. #98 - 29 Oct 2021 - The importance of the basics; Hour-long standups?; Getting answers to questions; Coordination models; RSE and tangled messes, part II; CI/CD minimal definitions; JAX for HPC and AI
  89. #97 - 22 Oct 2021 - Giving interview quetions in advance; How new managers fail their team; Looking for leadership jobs; Journal for digital humanities software; Adding type hints to a big code base; Jupyter notebooks and reproducibility; Data managers at Janssen
  90. #96 - 15 Oct 2021 - Debugging team progress; Managers (and others) as Integrators; Quit your job?; A successful Arm HPC hackathon; GROMACS benchmarking
  91. #95 - 8 Oct 2021 - The benefits of process; Hiring & Interviewing; Values, Tenets, & Guardrails; Filling in gaps: Students unfamiliar with directories; Profilers; Whither scrum in tech; Parquet for Pandas; GitHub Actions AuthN
  92. #94 - 1 Oct 2021 - The cost of informal leadership; Advancing the RCD workforce & RSE career paths; Supporting low-code contributions; Prevent late integration; Zero-egress-cost cloud storage; Differential Privacy; Page Caches; SSD vs HDD longevity
  93. #93 - 24 Sept 2021 - Activity vs Accomplishments; Unblocking one-on-ones; Data salaries; Coverage and Test Suite Effectiveness; NUMA and Netflix; SRE apprentices
  94. #92 - 17 Sept 2021 - Trying harder to hire; increasing silos; coaching and career development; mmap() vs specialized libraries; writing good documentation; datasheets for datasets; simulate, don't guess; Kubernetes or not; benchmarks using Optane
  95. #91 - 10 Sept 2021 - Technological readiness for research computing and data; attrition is ok, and so is process; demo-driven development; software devs need more ops knowledge; the state of CXL and AWS Parallel Cluster
  96. #90 - 3 Sept 2021 - What's your team's specialty? Yak spotting; getting the most out of an internship program; management as a technology; software development waste; rethinking best practices; snakemake for bash scripts; docker desktop alternatives
  97. #89 - 27 Aug 2021 - Keeping team members, and seeing them off; Performance reviews; Improving explanations; Lower-precision float math; SmartNICs++: DPUs; On-call rotations; Teaching quantum computing
  98. #88 - 20 Aug 2021 - Strategic planning basics; minimum viable governance; syncing up when async isn't working; death to CSVs; new Intel chips
  99. #87 - 14 Aug 2021 - Research Computing teams are awesome. How do we help peers?; Communicating firings; Effective oversight; GitHub updates; Efficiency and AMD Zen2; Ransomware is about the basics
  100. #86 - 6 Aug 2021 - Research computing's inferiority complex; Interviewing resources; Staying visible while your team WFH; Software: 2 people per task; NVIDIA's new cloud; Incident reports; NSA's k8s tips
  101. #85 - 30 July 2021 - Now that we can, should we meet in person?; Writing better job ads; Taking time off; the UK's CLIMB-COVID; how Herbie happened; digital humanities project charters; bioinformatics webasm
  102. #84 - 24 July 2021 - Manager or IC: why not both (at different times)? Results of ARM HPC hackathon; Rendering 1+M particles and maps; A GitHub Actions/Neo4j project; Start incident responses early and small
  103. #83 - 16 July 2021 - Templates for ML workflows; Accountability in teams; Hiring before, during and after the interview; Instrumenting systems with eBPF; Making time with timeboxing; Data in Astronomy
  104. #82 - 10 July 2021 - VQGAN + CLIP; Coaching vs solving; Good meetings have purpose; Time-series databases; IoT training; Computing performance predictions; Real code makes better examples
  105. #81 - 2 July 2021 - Advantages of on-campus jobs; Know your lines - phrases for managers; Keeping an eye on stress; Hardware memory models; Networking - docker, DPUs & EVPN; Individuals don't 'devops'
  106. #80 - 25 June 2021 - Reonbarding to the office, and hybrid work; Managing former peers; Time management won't save you; migrating hands-on workshops online; when logging code fails; lessons from outages
  107. #79 - 18 June 2021 - One-on-one vents; the great job migration; always be quitting; moving a 400 person hackathon online; glue as the dark matter of software; security secrets
  108. #78 - 11 June 2021 - Miniroundup: how other readers have seen hybrid work; grant proposal for community code development
  109. #77 - 5 June 2021 - Remote hiring and diversity; Google's open source insights; Open source codes of conduct; Demos with JupyterLite; Training with SQLite data starter packs; Dask and UCX-Py; SRE hiring
  110. #76 - 28 May 2021 - Strategy for research computing teams; Hybrid work & Distributed teams fail slowly; Success profiles for jobs; Levels of reproducibility for software; Ethernet vs IB cont'd
  111. #75 - 22 May 2021 - What nonprofit & research computing grants have in common; Collaboration planning; Github Codespaces & flat data; The rest of tech discovers data-centric computing; Time series databases
  112. #74 - 14 May 2021 - Online Manager Training Options; Better communications; Dreading one-on-ones with a team member; More inclusive leadership from men; pair programming redux; the software development curve
  113. #73 - May 2021 - Three feedback models; building debugging puzzles; Pull Request processes; testibility = modularity; GitHub-pages hosted sqlite-powered websites; managable on-call
  114. #72 - 30 Apr 2021 - Team RFCs; Effective 1:1s; The RSE landscape; go ahead, add a timestep; the latest from AMD
  115. #71 - 23 April 2021 - Hiring for teams, not individuals; better meetings; microcredentials; Azure's Met Office Move
  116. #70 - 16 April 2021 - Preparing for post-pandemic departures; Embrace the grind; Ramadan tips for non-Muslim friends; NVIDIA GTC announcements; User-centred design for a research data portal
  117. #69 - 9 April 2021 - Planning a return to offices; Common misses in developing team members; PRs: yea or nay?; National lab vs academia; Collecting data from the internet of (old) things
  118. #68 - 2 April 2021 - Quarterly goal setting & review sessions; The resilience of mixed-seniority teams; Gaining mentors; Product manager skills; Postmortems from scratch; Computations at storage
  119. #67 - 26 Mar 2021 - When to use different feedback models; 1:1 summary notes template; meeting kinds; tools don't matter, outcomes do; virtual internships; being an interim manager; coding interviews, boo
  120. #66 - 19 Mar 2021 - Giving routine feedback; Forming teams remotely for your heist; Questions to guide decisions; Get up to speed with the literature; Dev (or SRE) team health metrics
  121. #65 - 12 March 2021 - Performance communication is expectations communication; The full range of skills needed for open science; Rust & Go; Dropbox stays on-prem and on-disk; Defining meaningful key results
  122. #64 - 5 March 2021 - Mentoring, coaching, and sponsoring team members; You can't give too much positive feedback; Data from Bristol's move to online training; Testing github actions locally; Learning from Ada
  123. #63 - 26 Feb 2021 - Final step in getting ready to hire - the job ad; ARM vs x86 for bwa-mem on AWS; Experiments and your team; Software leadership communities; Research s/w can be a tangled mess, and that's ok
  124. #62 - 19 Feb 2021 - Interview questions; measuring productivity (blockers); give tough feedback; name what's happening; building alignment around a new strategy; better logging; nomad
  125. #61 - 12 Feb 2021 - Making interview questions from job requirements; Giving tough feedback; EU Data cloud postmortems; Reporting to a Science Advisory Board; Whale-song seismology
  126. #60 - 5 Feb 2021 - Defining requirements for hiring; Importance of writing skills; The talent myth; Finding mentorship; Getting adoption of your tools is a lot of work; Programming books w/ pandoc
  127. #59 - 29 Jan 2021 - Hiring - getting to 'no'; Make boring plans; Starting in management isn't easy; @ncl_rse & Birmingham's RSE annual report; Risk adjusted backlogs; Firecracker VMs
  128. #58 - 22 January 2021 - The change management of stopping doing things; Your star employee just quit; Saying no to stakeholders; How to learn a codebase; Elastic's new license
  129. #57 - 15 Jan 2021 - Stop Doing Things Challenge #2; pros and cons of decentralized teams; engineering management books; creating a new virtual conference; 2 reasons for code review; analysis of HPC support tickets
  130. #56 - 9 Jan 2021 - The Stop Doing Something Challenge Part 1; embedding staff question; nudges; product ownership; property-based testing; against text protocols; more smaller HPCs; real time ML
  131. #55 - 18 Dec 2020 - No triangulated feedback; self-review; tech lead manager roles are a trap; collaboration agreements; gitops decisions; COVID-19 online teaching
  132. #54 - 11 Dec 2020 - Employee review questions; starting digital humanities projects; COVID hitting research charities; command-line interface guidelines CentOS -> CentOS Stream
  133. #53 - 4 Dec 2020 - What happens if you do and don't keep funding research infrastructure; 'annual' 'performance' reviews; keeping low priority tasks low priority; ARCD and research software; apologizing for outages
  134. #52 - 27 Nov 2020 - Focus and communiations; saying no; blogging research; emerging boring strategy; I/O APIs and performance
  135. #51 - 22 Nov 2020 - The new M1 - mainstream CPUs are getting weird; virtual onboarding and offboarding; virtual whiteboards; renegotiating your first vendor contract; From sysadmin to SRE
  136. #50 - 13 Nov 2020 - Task relevant maturity; COVIDs unequal effect on researchrs; writing papers about scientific software; strategically choosing a stack; research workloads on openshift kubernetes
  137. #49 - 6 Nov 2020 - Starting a new manager role; remote onboarding; asyncronous meetings; researcher engagement for computing and data; quality assurance checklist for research software
  138. #48 - 30 Oct 2020 - Architectural decision records; writing unwritten rules; hearing impairment and zoom; ask for feedback; Julia adoption; faster Docker builds;
  139. #47 - 23 Oct 2020 - The role of a technical manager; leading those more senior; embracing tension; the power of the paraphrase; risk plans; preparing for a wider range of CPUs; when code is hard to review
  140. #46 - 16 Oct 2020 - Fist-of-five voting; how clear are your goals to your team; more flexible work; 500 research computing team manager job ads; the role of a maintainer
  141. #45 - 9 Oct 2020 - You're probably not micromanaging; help, I'm a research computing manager; declining a meeting; recognizing open-source contributors; dual-licensing; chaos engineering in healthcare; eBPF
  142. #44 - Link Roundup, 2 Oct 2020
  143. #43 - Link Roundup, 25 Sept 2020
  144. #42 - Link Roundup, 18 Sept 2020
  145. #41 - Link Roundup, 11 Sept 2020
  146. #40 - Link Roundup, 4 Sept 2020 - Keeping clients up to date on remote work. Plus: The difference between a team and a working group; Burnout triage; Emotional resiliance; scaling yourself; 10 simple rules for code clubs; and more
  147. #39 - Link Roundup, 28 Aug 2020 - Keeping morale up. Plus: management myths; Engineering manager framework; Debugging team productivity; Virtual meeting psychological safety; Expiring vs permanent skills; 10 year software challenge; Web assembly and water caustics
  148. #38 - Link Roundup, 21 Aug 2020 - Keeping yourself organized: Plus, home office ergonomics; remote work boundaries; reviewing ourselves periodically; Pawsey PACER; and more
  149. #37 - Link Roundup, 14 Aug 2020 - Difficult conversations. Plus: Asking better questions; 1:1s; Manager READMEs; Hiring mistakes; Survey tools
  150. #36 - Link Roundup, 7 Aug 2020 - Remote mentoring. Plus: difficult conversations; creating space for others as leaders; turning around underperforming team members; making data science teams faster; Screencasting; Building data science capacity; and more
  151. #35 - Link Roundup, 31 July 2020
  152. #34 - Link Roundup, 24 July 2020
  153. #33 - Link Roundup, 17 July 2020
  154. #32 - Link Roundup, 10 July 2020
  155. #31 - Link Roundup, 3 July 2020
  156. #30 - Link Roundup, 26 June 2020
  157. #29 - Link Roundup, 19 June 2020
  158. #28 - Link Roundup, 12 June 2020
  159. #27 - Link Roundup, 5 June 2020
  160. #26 - Link Roundup, 29 May 2020
  161. #25 - Link Roundup, 22 May 2020
  162. #24 - Link Roundup, 15 May 2020
  163. #23 - Link Roundup, 8 May 2020
  164. #22 - Link Roundup, 1 May 2020
  165. #21 - Link Roundup, 24 Apr 2020
  166. #20 - Link Roundup, 17 Apr 2020
  167. #19 - Link Roundup, 10 Apr 2020
  168. #18 - Link Roundup, 3 Apr 2020
  169. #17 - Link Roundup, 27 Mar 2020
  170. #16 - How To Quickly Start One-on-Ones with your Research Computing Team: A One-Week Plan of Action
  171. #15 - Link Roundup, 20 Mar 2020
  172. #14 - Link Roundup, 13 Mar 2020 (well, 16 Mar 2020)
  173. #13 - Link Roundup, 6 Mar 2020
  174. #12 - Link Roundup, 28 Feb 2020
  175. #11 - Link Roundup, 21 Feb 2020
  176. #10 - Why Research Computing Management? Part 4 - Staying On Top of the Field
  177. #9 - Why Research Computing Management? Part 3 - Managing in Academia
  178. #8 - Why Research Computing Management? Part 2 - Pushing the Cutting Edge
  179. #7 - Why Research Computing Management? Part 1
  180. #6 - Link Roundup, 14 Feb 2020
  181. #5 - Link Roundup, Feb 7 2020
  182. #4 - Link Roundup, 31 Jan 2020
  183. #3 - Link Roundup, 24 Jan 2020
  184. #2 - Link roundup, 17 Jan 2020
  185. #1 - Link Roundup, 10 Jan 2020